So geht “Social Media”-Arbeit richtig – 12 Tipps in Bildern

Viele Verlage und Firmen wissen noch nicht so recht, wie sie sich in den Sozialen Netzwerken bewegen sollen: Sie sehen Social Media vor allem als Litfaßsäule für Pressemitteilungen. Aber Social Media heißt ja gerade so, weil es etwas mit Gemeinschaft und mit Dialog zu tun hat. Doch wie geht gute “Social Media”-Arbeit? 12 Tipps in […]

The iOS app Soundcircles combines photos with sound

Soundcircles is the new kid on the block, a relatively new app that could be great for audio-visual storytelling. It’s pretty similar to JamSnap which I introduced here three years ago. Both apps let you combine an image with audio. JamSnap had vanished from Apple’s app store for a while but has re-entered it right […]

Can smartphones help journalists getting closer to the story?

The Finnish journalist, reporter and news editor Panu Karhunen has just published his research on mobile journalism for the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford University. His question: Can journalists get closer to the story and subject by using mobile devices? Download the paper here. To promote and back up his insightful study, […]