The iOS app Soundcircles combines photos with sound

Soundcircles is the new kid on the block, a relatively new app that could be great for audio-visual storytelling. It’s pretty similar to JamSnap which I introduced here three years ago. Both apps let you combine an image with audio. JamSnap had vanished from Apple’s app store for a while but has re-entered it right […]

Tips: Mobile Journalism with Second Hand Smartphones

  Say, you are on a tight budget, but want to do mobile journalism. Is it worth then buying a second hand Android smartphone? Yes it is. If you choose the right phone and keep a few important things in mind – as I had to learn the hard way. I get quite a number […]

Why teaching Mobile Journalism with Android devices can be challenging

At Mojocon 2016 in Dublin, Javier Cabrera and Óscar Oncina of Yos Contenidos interviewed me about teaching Mojo in Germany. Here are my answers. //It’s also interesting what Mark Egan, BBC’s Marc Blank Settle and RTÈ’s Philip Bromwell have to say about Mobile Journalism in this video. But they’re mainly talking iPhones 😉 // P.S. […]