iPhone 11: Microphone Test and Camera Stabilizer Test

When I recently upgraded from my old and trusty iPhone 6s Plus to the iPhone 11, I was a bit worried about the lack of the headphone jack. I have quite a number of microphones which I regularly use – and which I used to plug directly into the headphone jack. No adapter needed. And […]

Digital Storytelling: Apps for Social Media and Mobile Journalism

The following charts are part of my talks and workshops at MojoFest, in Galway (June 6-8): Workshop 1: Mobile Storytelling for Social Media (June 7, 2.00 – 2.30 p.m.) Workshop 2: Mobile Reporting with Android Phones (June 8, 4.00 – 5.30 p.m.) And don’t miss my “Epic Battle between the Plattforms: iOS versus Android” with […]

Basic Mobile Journalism Apps for iOS and Android

I compiled these Basic Mobile Journalism Apps for iOS and Android for a conference in Rome this May. The Goethe-Institut and the Associazione Nazionale Filmaker e Videomaker Italiani invited me as a speaker and trainer for their Newsmaker Lab (Agenda in German). As a panelist, I’m going to talk about the situation of smartphone journalism in German […]